Young Israel in Israel

Young Israel in Israel (YII) is the bridge between empowering Israeli-focused programs and the Jewish Nation . These programs are in place to strengthen the participants' Jewish identity, their family unit, and their contributions to our Israeli society.

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Screenshot of the YII Landing Page

ProSkills Cleaning Co.

Northwest Georgia cleaning company requested branding and a website. Unfortunately, I completed a logo with a custom WP landing page but nothing else as the company is now defunct.

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Screenshot of the landing page/holding page for ProSkills Cleaning company

Adios Lounge

Mockups and website delivered way back in 2014 to a popular LA music blogger with an dedicated music aficionado fan base.

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Album mockup for an LA music blogger

Tiny House Chattanooga

Two versions of the public facing website for a tiny house manufacturer. Site refreshes were done on a yearly schedule. Shown are landing page examples from 2018 and 2022.

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Static image of the currently landing page for Tiny House Chattanooga